Last updated
February 3, 2024

8 Best Email Marketing Software, Expert Tips On How To Choose Your Next Tool

We all very much aware about how important email marketing is for any type of business. But how can you scale your operations from day one and understand what types of emails are working and which are not? At best, they don’t work for your business and no demand done. At worst, they can potentially hurt your reputation and credibility.

Some of the world’s best Email Marketing Software are the one to allow its users to manage and send laser targeted, personalized email campaigns to a specific segment of your existing subscribers.

If we’re down to the overall, industry wide statistics, personalizing your sending, audience, and subject line alone will be resulted in an average of 18% average open rate.

Fortunately, there are plenty of email marketing software tools out there that fits businesses from all kinds. Whether you’re in a stage where you’re having 100 subscribers or one million, choosing the right email marketing software that will perfectly fit your business needs and grow with you, is often considered a tedious task for many software buyers across the globe. Worry no more, we’ve gathered some expert tips for you on how to get started with evaluating the best email marketing software for your business, stay tuned.

What is an email marketing software, and why you should get one ASAP?

Email marketing software allows the modern marketers to send bulk message via well designed and structured email to a large group of people (their subscribers) all at once. Emailing as we know it is very limited and time consuming as you can only email so many people at once. If you’ll go down that road you might find your email account and domain marked as “Spam”, which is something that you would want to avoid as a legitimate service provider.

At its core, Email marketing software is considered as a service-based software that marketers often use to send targeted emails to a large group of their business subscribers. With a big variety of services, resources, and tools, the email marketing software permits marketers to achieve much more than just sending emails and pray that something will happen.

Some of the great email marketing software tools allow marketers getting insights about:

– Who opened the email, and how many times.
– What is the CTR (Click through rate).
– Who skimmed or actually read the email.
– In which part of the email there were the most clicks.
– Who unsubscribed.
– And what percentage of their goal being achieved by the end of each campaign.

In fact, email marketing is considered the most cost effective marketing channel by many companies worldwide that acknowledge the fact that email marketing still works in 2022 and beyond.

How to choose an email marketing tool?

Out of hundreds of truly excellent vendors out there offering an outstanding email marketing tools for businesses of all types, but you must think of the main goal of aligning both your marketing and sales teams. Here are some of the most important things you should take into consideration when choosing your next email marketing software for your business:

Contacts & Email sending limits

Make sure that your next tools can support the number of subscribers you have and that you can actually send your next great email to all of your list/s. For example, if you currently having 10,000 subscribers, make sure that your next email marketing software doesn’t apply any limitation on the number of email or contacts you can send your emails to, and if it does, make sure that you know how much you should pay extra, in order to send the intended email to all of your targeted subscribers list.

Fully customizable templates

Many email marketing software vendors say they have hundreds of templates you can choose from, so you don’t need to sweat it when it comes to design and that you can scale faster with pre made, fully customizable templates. From our experience, this is not always the case, therefore we highly recommend you to ask for a free demo, or a free trial so you can test out and experience yourself, if the intended email marketing software is really supporting the templates you wanted, especially if design is currently considered as a pain for your company.

Spam compliance & other rules

Before signing up for any email marketing tool you should pay attention to the spam compliance they offer. Each tool has its own spam compliance and regulatory rules users must comply with.

So, here are a few things you must know before sending out any email to your list of subscribers:

– Make sure that these people are actually your email list subscribers and that you’re not paying for contact list.

– Do not use false information in your email subject line.

– Always include the option to opt out from your email list

You must be clear and transparent with your email messaging, the email must resonate with the recipients, and it should be including content and creatives in a high quality.

8 best email marketing tools you should get to know

Out of the hundreds of tools out there, we’ve gathered the 8 best email marketing tools for ecommerce, retail, and enterprise grade use.


Mailchimp is an all-in-one email marketing platform that helps users to manage and communicate with their customers, or future customers. MailChimp approach to marketing focuses on healthy contact management practices, beautifully designed templates so you can run effective campaigns, and powerful data analysis, for you to track the right metrics. MailChimp is widely use from small to mid-sized companies across the globe.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is a well known email marketing software for assisting small businesses, nonprofits organizations, and individuals to achieve their business goals.
The platform also allows business owners and marketers to launch and monitor email marketing efforts, build websites and online stores with a complete ease, and utilize social media, among other relevant services.

HubSpot Email Marketing Tool

The world’s leading software in marketing automation provides with an all in one email marketing tool for small, mid-sized, and enterprise level companies.
With the HubSpot email marketing suite you can communicate with your customers via personalized email campaigns that are professionally designed and display perfectly across any device. Since HubSpot’s email marketing tool is built on the HubSpot CRM platform, personalization, segmentation, and tracking is included in every campaign you launch.


Another award winning email marketing software is GetResponse, which offers an online platform for email marketing software, landing page creator, webinars hosting and much more.
Used by some of the world’s greatest brands GetResponse is well known for its powerful, simplified features to send emails, create stunning landing pages, and automate almost every aspect of your marketing.


With ActiveCampaign marketers can save many hours by automating their entire email marketing and spend more time on their strategy. You can get started in minutes with a free trial and see of it works for your business, ActiveCampaign also offers A/B Testing, easy Onboarding process and One-On-One Training so you can achieve your business goals much faster.


With Sendinblue marketers can enjoy Unlimited Contacts and email sending features. You Only Pay Per Email Sent and they include a very Flexible Price Plans. Easy Set-up, and limitless integrations.
You can choose from hundreds of fully Responsive Design Email Templates and use their Drag & Drop Editor to ease your way to create the best email.


Used by some of the world’s biggest companies Aweber is well know for its Detailed analysis for your newsletters and followers, and also using their detailed dashboard, AWeber users are able to quickly analyze their email strategy to increase CTR and open rates. This is the best feature AWeber can offer.


The last one on our list is Benchmark. Very straightforward email marketing software that allows building beautiful, responsive emails using their marketing platform to engage subscribers, nurture leads, and track results.

Things to look for when evaluating an email marketing solution for your business

Email marketing platforms are the ones who responsible for the newsletters and emails you receive from companies. Their highly adaptive and customizable automation capabilities makes them a great fit to promote your company’s blog posts, share your new product release, and to essentially keep your customers and or email list subscribers in the know, with a freshly brewed content delivered to their inbox.

While there’s a various email marketing automation software, that often provides with complex set of marketing automation features, you should be focused on the simplest yet powerful solution that is essentially allowing you to achieve your business goal.

When evaluating your next email marketing software tool you must be looking at the following features:

– Performance reports, dashboards, and analytics
– A variety of highly customizable and well designed templates
– Email marketing software usability
– Affordability, can you afford this solution even when your business grow?

Tip 💡 some of the email marketing software tools offer even more advanced features such as drip marketing campaigns, A/B testing, automated workflows, and much more – pay attention which tool can provide you with these advanced features and the costs involved.

Under the hood

As you already noticed and considering from the list above, you won’t run out of email marketing platforms to choose from. Nevertheless, it’s mission critical to note that each email marketing software has some features that are not available on other platforms, which means that each email marketing solution works best per each use case.

As marketers, we all have different needs, and circumstances, but in most cases we do share the same goal in mind – keeping our audience engaged and informed about our business at each step of their buying journey. That being said, we should all benefit from a solid email marketing strategy backed by the right strategy and most importantly the tight software. Choosing the right email marketing software for your business is one of the most important decision marketers should take while building their very own MarTech Stack and looking to boost their revenue goals.